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1 What, me worry?  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:49:57pm

Wow! That was one amazing speech. Seriously. Choked me up. Thanks for the post, Ludwig!

2 lostlakehiker  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:16:14pm


3 What, me worry?  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:35:39pm

Shabbot Shalom, Ludwig! :)

4 _RememberTonyC  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:33:49pm

Very eloquent ... Bravo.

5 Pythagoras  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 8:22:53pm

Great speech but I expect the usual response.

That is boundlessly sad.

6 Flavia  Sat, Sep 24, 2011 2:35:15am

Good thing he & I are both married, because otherwise, I'd have to fly over to Israel and HAVE HIS BABY!!!

Seriously - this man has said not only everything that I'd LOVE to say to the UN, but he's been far more polite (er) eloquent (yeah, eloquent) than I could ever hope to be. LET'S CLONE HIM!

7 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Sun, Sep 25, 2011 9:56:19am

NOTE The speech was too long to fit in the page's format. Here is the end of the speech:

As the prime minister of Israel, I speak for a hundred generations of Jews who were dispersed throughout the lands, who suffered every evil under the Sun, but who never gave up hope of restoring their national life in the one and only Jewish state.

Ladies and gentlemen, I continue to hope that President Abbas will be my partner in peace. I've worked hard to advance that peace. The day I came into office, I called for direct negotiations without preconditions. President Abbas didn't respond. I outlined a vision of peace of two states for two peoples. He still didn't respond. I removed hundreds of roadblocks and checkpoints, to ease freedom of movement in the Palestinian areas; this facilitated a fantastic growth in the Palestinian economy. But again -- no response. I took the unprecedented step of freezing new buildings in the settlements for 10 months. No prime minister did that before, ever.(Scattered applause.) Once again -- you applaud, but there was no response. No response.

In the last few weeks, American officials have put forward ideas to restart peace talks. There were things in those ideas about borders that I didn't like. There were things there about the Jewish state that I'm sure the Palestinians didn't like.

But with all my reservations, I was willing to move forward on these American ideas.

President Abbas, why don't you join me? We have to stop negotiating about the negotiations. Let's just get on with it. Let's negotiate peace. (Applause.)

I spent years defending Israel on the battlefield. I spent decades defending Israel in the court of public opinion. President Abbas, you've dedicated your life to advancing the Palestinian cause. Must this conflict continue for generations, or will we enable our children and our grandchildren to speak in years ahead of how we found a way to end it? That's what we should aim for, and that's what I believe we can achieve.

In two and a half years, we met in Jerusalem only once, even though my door has always been open to you. If you wish, I'll come to Ramallah. Actually, I have a better suggestion. We've both just flown thousands of miles to New York. Now we're in the same city. We're in the same building. So let's meet here today in the United Nations. (Applause.) Who's there to stop us? What is there to stop us? If we genuinely want peace, what is there to stop us from meeting today and beginning peace negotiations?

And I suggest we talk openly and honestly. Let's listen to one another. Let's do as we say in the Middle East: Let's talk "doogli" (ph). That means straightforward. I'll tell you my needs and concerns. You'll tell me yours. And with God's help, we'll find the common ground of peace. (Applause.)

There's an old Arab saying that you cannot applaud with one hand. Well, the same is true of peace. I cannot make peace alone. I cannot make peace without you. President Abbas, I extend my hand -- the hand of Israel -- in peace. I hope that you will grasp that hand. We are both the sons of Abraham. My people call him Avraham. Your people call him Ibrahim. We share the same patriarch. We dwell in the same land. Our destinies are intertwined. Let us realize the vision of Isaiah -- (speaks in Hebrew) -- "The people who walk in darkness will see a great light." Let that light be the light of peace. (Applause.)

8 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Sun, Sep 25, 2011 9:58:32am

re: #1 marjoriemoon

re: #2 lostlakehiker

re: #3 marjoriemoon

re: #4 _RememberTonyC

re: #5 Pythagoras

re: #6 Flavia

Yeah One of the reasons I think Bibi is so hated by the far left is that he keeps reminding them of truths that simply do not fit their dogma. If peace is to be based on a false narrative, then Bibi is certainly the enemy of their idea of it.

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